Hệ thống trắc nghiệm ôn thi  Công chức,  Viên chức Số 1 Việt Nam
Hệ thống trắc nghiệm ôn thi  Công chức,  Viên chức Số 1 Việt Nam
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Bài đục lỗ Tiếng Anh A2 (đề thi thuế năm 2023 Miền Bắc) - Ngạch Kiểm tra viên

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A driving instructor died in a road accident near Oxford while he ... (1) a lesson to a learner driver. Mr Tony Carter of Market Street, Oxford, was in the passenger seat of a Metro car when it ... (2) into a lorry on the A 361. Mr Carter, 34, a married man with two children, was the sixty-ninth person to die ... (3) Oxfordshire's roads so far this year.
The accident happened at 2.30p.m last Thursday, when Mr Carter's Metro, driven ... (4) 17-year-old Wayne Easton, of Iffley Road, Oxford, was turning right at a crossroads. The car hit a Mercedes lorry ... (5) was travelling in the opposite direction. Mr Easton was teken to the John Radcliffe ... (6), Oxford, where his condition was described as satisfactory.
He has ... (7) gone home. The lorry driver, Mr Ron Tubbs, of Queen Street, Abingdon, was ... (8). "There was no signal." said Mr. Tubbs. "I didn't know he was going to turn right, ... (9) I just kept going straight ahead as normal." Police ... (10) talk to the driver of a red and white coach which was travelling behind the lorry at the time of the accident.
Câu hỏi 1. A driving instructor died in a road accident near Oxford while he ... (1) a lesson to a learner driver.
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